Friday, July 5, 2013

Today I Smiled at Buildings and Birds

I went to hand deliver my application package to the Toronto Star today. I’m sure handing in an application on the actual deadline date is bad form, but at least it’s in. Now I feel like all of that scurrying about and hard work to get everything together is behind me and I can finally relax. Well, sort of. Of course I’m still unemployed and this might not come through, so I have to keep looking for work, as well as remain anxious to hear back regarding this application. But at least it’s all out of my hands right now.  

I have to say though, I was feeling ridiculously sick this morning (probably my allergies) and it was such a rainy and miserable day that the thought of heading in to Toronto JUST to drop off this application package felt daunting. I was cursing myself that I didn’t have everything done sooner so that I could have mailed it in before the deadline and would have been free to stay in bed all day today. Oh well, that’s not what happened. However, I am now really glad that I went in person, because once I was walking down Harbourd St. coming up to Yonge and saw the Toronto Star building, I actually got butterflies in my stomach. This may not seem like a big deal….but I haven’t felt butterflies about anything for such a long time. Some people believe that butterflies are really just fear – in most cases fear of unrequited feelings, but fear nonetheless. I think that in some cases perhaps that can be true, but getting butterflies for me is a feeling of pure excitement and desire. Again, let me stress, I haven’t felt like this in a very long time. I realized in that instant just how much I wanted this. I felt pretty ridiculous that just seeing the building made me feel giddy, it’s not like I hadn’t ever seen it before, but somehow this time was different.

If that doesn’t sound melodramatic enough, I actually stopped before walking into the building, took a breath, and then proceeded through the turning door. Yes I know…I kind of wanted to slap me too. Weirdly enough, though, once I got inside I had this feeling that I just belonged there…..regardless of the reality that I had no idea where to go. I only once ever felt such a feeling of belonging to a place that I had never actually been to before, and that was when I visited Paris. With Paris it was a connection to the roots I was always looking for but could never seem to find. Today though, this was about something different; again this is going to sound melodramatic, but it was about a sense of purpose or destiny. I know I’m counting my chickens well before they hatch, and perhaps I’m waiting on what I believe are eggs about to hatch and really they are boiled eggs, but I’m ok with getting excited about this right now, even though I may be getting my hopes up. The way I see it, if something feels that right….in the end it can’t be wrong. Maybe I won’t get in this time around, but I know that I’m going to keep applying until I do. And maybe when I do get in, it won’t be at the intern level.

Or maybe I am putting a little too much thought into this. I’m sure if I walked through the doors of any Random House affiliate to apply for an internship position I would feel those same butterflies and feeling of belonging. Perhaps it’s not as much a feeling of destiny as it is drive, motivation, and purpose. Perhaps the reason I felt so at home is because I do belong in a place like that and for the first time I feel like I’m finally actually applying for and getting closer to work in my field. Yet again, maybe this is all wishful thinking, but I just have this gut feeling like something is about to finally turn around for me. This isn’t me being overly confident about my application; to be honest I feel like my portfolio is lacking and that there are probably several more qualified people applying for this internship than me. I think maybe this is merely a feeling of me crawling out of my emotional hole. Nothing has really changed except how I am feeling and looking at things. I’m too realistic to believe that just wanting something more than everyone else gets you it; if this were true a lot of things in my life would be different. But I think that with positivity comes change. So, will I be bummed if I don’t get this internship? Sure. But that was always a very high possibility. What I won’t do is get back into my bed and cry. On to the next, on to the next. Something is just around the corner. I can feel it. And I’m so ready for it. 

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